You may recall our announcement back in September that Business News Network (BNN) in Canada partnered with MoneyShow to create an exciting new program at The World MoneyShow Toronto 2014: The Confidence to Invest. The one-hour special was recorded onsite at the conference and is now airing during prime time on BNN!
The Confidence to Invest Special Program:
As investors battle volatility, economic worries, even geopolitical risks, BNN takes an in-depth look at whether equity markets are still the best place to generate wealth. And, in a world of flash crashes and high frequency trading, are they still a fair place for the average investor? BNN's special presentation, The Confidence to Invest, speaks with experts in the fields of investing, economics, and shareholder rights as they provide insight into the world of investing and whether the markets remain the best place to put your money.
“We are extremely excited to collaborate with MoneyShow in putting together this panel,” said Grant Ellis, General Manager, BNN. “With investor confidence finally increasing in North America, it is critical to address questions surrounding the trustworthiness and performance of global markets.”
We hope you enjoy this one-hour TV special!
This exposure is great and is just the beginning. Watch for more MoneyShow-in-the-news and LIVE broadcasts from 2015 conferences with new cable and network television partners! Stay tuned as a lot of exciting developments will be announced in the coming months.
Kind regards,