
The State Of The World FOREX

While recession has returned to Japan and interest rates have dropped to negative, in Europe the ECM has effectively announced it will expand its balance sheet again by a trillion Euro. China has lowered interest rates showing this view of lowering interest rates is believed to stimulate the economy still prevails, albeit nobody can point…

S&P 500 Stretched Like A Spring

Stock prices tend to act like a spring. The further they are stretched to their limits, the further they tend to snap back in the opposite direction. The opposite is also true. When stock prices are not stretched very far, they don’t recoil nearly s far in the opposite direction when the stretching force is…

ECRI Recession Watch: Weekly Update

The Weekly Leading Index (WLI) of the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) is at 133.2, up from the previous week’s 132.0. The WLI annualized growth indicator (WLIg) is at -2.4, down from -2.9 the previous week. ECRI has been at the center of a prolonged controversy since publicizing its recession call on September 30, 2011….

Can Technology Save Chocolate?

If you haven’t already heard, the world is facing a chocolate shortage. Part of the reason is increased demand, as Chinese taste buds awaken to the delicious treat. But part of the reason is climate change. Cacao is a fickle plant. The trees grow in shady areas of rainforests within 20 degrees of the Equator. They…

The View From Far Above

As the entire world knows by now, China joined the rest of the world’s central banks in more “easing”, which sent markets into a spastic move higher. As you can see by this view of the NQ, this massively bullish news has not, as of yet, represented any kind of sea-change in the markets. Before…

The US Dollar Remains Stubbornly Bullish

The Dollar stubbornly refuses to fall, even though it too (like crude/bonds) is very deep into its Daily and Investor Cycle timing. Technically it is weakening, as seen within the indicators on the chart below. I believe this is a sign that the dollar has topped and is about to begin falling. When it eventually…

Everyone Wants Dollars (Again)

A new phase in the markets began this month.  The Federal Reserve ended its QE3+ purchases.  The Bank of Japan unexpectedly and dramatically stepped up its asset purchases under its QQE operations.  The government’s largest pension fund announced aggressive portfolio diversification plan.  Contrary to some press reports, the ECB remained unanimous in favor of additional…