Monthly Archives: October 2015

Troubles At Wal-Mart, IBM And The New American Century

With Wal-Mart (WMT) sales and profits falling, pundits are asking if the economy is again headed down. Hardly, like IBM (IBM) and other business icons in trouble, the Arkansas retailer is simply being squeezed by better competitors—and mostly Americans—who herald a new age of American innovation. Wal-Mart’s recipe for success was simple. Through a detailed…

Five Must Buy Breakout Stocks

So you’re the sort of person that’s always fashionably late to the party? The kind that the rest of the family lies to and tells the party starts an hour earlier than it really does. You can be as cool as you want to be when it comes to little Timmy’s First Communion, but don’t…

Resistance At The 200 Day Line

Early bear market rally or just a simple correction in a much longer bull market? That has been the topic of conversation. The reality is we are still below the 200 Day moving average which is a negative. Some leading stocks have become to breakout such as UVE and NKE, however some sector leaders broke…

The Morality Of A $15 Minimum

Have you noticed how often conservatives who disagree with a policy proposal call it a “job killer?” They’re especially incensed about proposals to raise the federal minimum wage. They claim it will force employers to lay off workers worth hiring at the current federal minimum of $7.25 an hour but not at a higher minimum….

U.S Business Cycle Risk Report – 21 October 2015

Deutsche Bank’s chief international economist advises that the US isn’t tipping into a recession. “There is a big disconnect between the current narrative in both equity and rates markets and the actual economic data,” he says via Bloomberg. “This economy is stronger than its reputation and for some reason many investors want to hold onto…

S&P 500 ETFs Vs Ex-Sector ETFs

The replication of the broader U.S. market – the S&P 500 index (SPY) – may be surging lately on Fed-induced optimism, but on the year-to-date frame it is still a laggard (as of October 15, 2015), having slid about 1.6%.  Relentless global growth worries, be it over China, Europe, Japan or the emerging market block…